Month: January 2012
Simon Silly Bug
Demos for Pages 4 + 5 of My Life in Records #1
Like most of the Prologue, I started out sketching the spread on notebook paper. Man am I glad the ears didn't end up that big on the final version!
And here's the final version:
You can read the whole sequence here.
Outsider Artist of the Week – 1-23-12
New Year’s Day Sketches
Outsider Artist of the Week – 1-16-12
On Jan 18, this site will join many others and go dark in protest of these bills. You can join me and register your site here.
Roberto Longhi
Demos for Pages 2 + 3 of My Life in Records #1
Eventually, I made a tighter sketch which is posted below.
If you look closely, you can see a check mark in the bottom left hand corner of the sketch. I like to put those on my thumbnails when I've finished drawing the final page. Sometimes I even add the dates that I penciled and inked the final page. (I rarely pencil and ink a page on the same day.)
The final page looks like this:
You can see the full sized "Album Version" of this page here and the book can be purchased here in the store.
Outsider Artist of the Week – 1-9-12
His Holiness’ Coffee
Anyhoo, Clement the VII found it tasty and baptized coffee so it would be safe for Catholics to drink. I have yet to find a worthy source for this little tidbit of fact about Pope Clement, so take it with a grain of salt. It could turn out to be an internet hoax perpetuated by bloggers like me.